Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New Grill

 Mike’s grill was 7 years old and he’s been replacing parts and making it work. We - I mean Mike - grill a bunch. I prepare the food and he grills it. He’s really good at it! 

I told him he was getting a new grill for Father’s Day. He found one at Sam’s he liked a lot. Every morning I would check the Sam’s website to see if it’s on sale. Doesn’t Everything goes on sale before Fathers Day. It showed up $100 off, but not at our Sam’s club. I finally said let’s just go get it. Still no sale sign. We get to the register and the price she gave me was the sale price. I kept my mouth shut, paid for it and wanted to run to the car yelling “start the car!” Just like in the commercial. 

Wasting no time assembling it

Our first dinner Saturday night was courtesy of Stacy who bought us kabobs from Reams. They are soooo good. Sunday we went into the city to watch Luke play baseball. We may not have gotten any cecada at our house, but man of man Park Ridge is covered and flying around. It’s funny to watch people grownups and kiddos scream and run around. Then you have the kids (Luke) chase them down and try to catch them. They don’t bother me, one even got tangled in my hair. 

A stop for ice cream after the game and Mike’s Fathers Day was complete. 

The family

I did get Mike these heat gloves - he was ruining my pot holders. 

He’s getting really good at grilling my fruit and vegetables. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Owen Tree

 Last May for Mary’s birthday Owen wanted to pick some of my flowers around the house. He made a beautiful bouquet of my peonies. As he was picking he found a tiny tree growing between the plants. It was just a stick with a tiny bud on the top. 

Sweet Owen wanted to rescue the tree. He helped me dig it up and I let him pick a spot where he wanted to replant it. He chose a place in the back yard ‘out in the open where it could get sunshine and grow big”

I had a hard time mowing around it - even ran over it, but that tree was not going to give up. It grew, just like Owen said.

Owen tree this spring 

We’re both pretty proud of this little thing. 

I wasn’t sure if the cecada were going to show up in our yard (they did last time), so I promised Owen I would protect it.

All wrapped up

We haven’t gotten any bugs yet, but they can find something else to feed on if they do come.

The Owen tree is safe.