Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Saturday night brought the kids out. - OLD and YOUNG

I made "scrambled Mosticolli" for dinner and all the kids came over. I used up all the 1/2 boxes of pasta I had in the cupboard and called it scrambled. The kids loved it.

After dinner we cleared the table, cover it in plastic and we had the best time.

After drawing just the perfect faces with marker the big kids cut their own out and Mike brought out the power tools and helped the grandkids.

It was surprising how much seed that Mary and Stacy had in their pumpkins, maybe because I bought them fresh that morning from the patch down the street. Anyway we had a bunch for roasting. I have never been lucky with roasting seed, so thanks to Mary in showing me how. We had a bunch of mighty tasty seeds.

Really strange - Brian and Bryan both ended up with round eyes and smiles with 3 teeth, only their noses were different. Mary and Stacy's both had square eyes.

Here they all are with their pumpkins minus Bryan - for some reason I didn't get his pic.
Both Dylan and Logan were hot in their costumes - so they are not wearing them. :)
They DO have clothes on though, even though this picture of Logan looks contrary.
This is Stacy's "how I feel at school" pumpkin face.
Kaylyn insisted on a pumpkin with whiskers. She included the Boo herself.
Mary was the only pumpkin with ears.

Here are all the pumpkins lined up with candles in them.

We finished the night up with Halloween cupcakes and the best jello parfaits. I found Pumpkin spice jello pudding at the store and made the parfaits. YUMMY!!!!
The box said seasonal release so I bought 4. Now I'm thinking of going back and getting some more - it was that good.

1 comment:

Mich said...

How fun! the pumpkins looked great and I know that you loved having everyone around!