Monday, February 27, 2012

Zip Lining

I really, really wanted too.
I had myself all physed up and ready.
Then I saw the advertisment for the excursion and knew that I couldn't do the one rope bridge or the swaying single plank bridges.
So, Mike went on a zip ling date with Shannon.

The alarm went off at 6:45 and Mike was like a kid on Christmas morning.
I said something like have a nice time (even though my heart wanted him too - I didn't mean it) and rolled over and went back to sleep.

He came back all excited and happy. They had an awesome time and he told me all about it. I kinda believed him.

After seeing the pictures from the day - I now believe him. I also know that I would of slowed him down and he wouldn't of had such a great time worrying about me.

There are more picutres on my shutterfly!!

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