Monday, April 30, 2012

Daddy's Little Wrestler

Roger's Daddy is a big wrestling fan!
Roger's Mommy has never seen a wrestling match.
Last night as they were off to the AllState I got to spend the evening with Roger.

Roger is a little too young to go, but I thought he should at least dress the part.

Roger with his Mommy ready for his bout in the ring.

Daddy telling Roger that even though he looks like a wrestler he is still too little.

One thing I see that Roger loves to do is pound his toys on the coffee table, that is until he spots the books.

I think he will be a reader like his Mommy - He loves his books.

He is ready for his cage match - oh wait, No - he just wants the outlet!!
The elbow pads did come in handy as he wandered all around the room looking for things that maybe his Grandma forgot about: aka, purse, camera case, and my bottle of water. He found them all. Roger is growing and changing so fast. His own little personality is shining through.

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