Monday, June 11, 2012


Bryan asked me to watch Roger for a weekend so him and Mary could get away.
Of course I said yes.
"Roger can be a handful Mom - he is very active."
Yeah, Sure, No Problem...

Yes, he was active. I think the only time he stayed still, beside his naps and nights, was our walks (he loved the sprinklers we walked through and the LOUD motorcycle that stopped at the same garage sale we did)
 and when Grandma would read to him.
 He thought that since Daddy and Grandpa had left pieces of the new flooring out, it was fair game for him to bang around and make some noise.

Mike showed up to spend the day with us on Saturday with a new toy. He thought that if he pushed Mike out of the way he could have all the balls to himself.

He figured the toy out pretty quick and had a ball. I just loved to hear him laugh. And I think now he knows why the other grand kids call Mike "Papa Down". He's willing to gets right down on the floor and play.
What I figured out pretty quick was Roger doesn't like when you leave the room without him. If you were going, so was he. The same can't be said for when HE leaves the room though.

I am in the kitchen washing up the lunch dishes - He is supposed to be in their new family room (right off the kitchen where he can still see me) playing with his toys - I turn around and that little bugger is not there.
Nope, I found him in his parents bedroom doing this.

Bryan asked me if Roger was anything like him when he was little. There is so much that you don't remember. All I saw was Roger being a little boy, until I gave him his first ice cube. Then I saw Bryan as a little kid, everytime I would rattle my ice Roger would coming crawling as fast as possible for a cube. He wanted to drink out of my glass and shame on me if I didn't have "soft" ice cubes for him to eat. Then it hit me, Bryan, that little boy is like you in so many ways.

I had a great time with Roger, Bryan and Mary had a relaxing time with each other.

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