Monday, October 12, 2015

Lets Go Hawks

As soon as our friend Charlie got some tickets to the Hawks game he called Mike. He asked
"You and Karen want to go to a Hawks game?"
It took us all of 5 seconds to say Hell Yes!
You weren't the first person I called, you are the ONLY person I called. See, Charlie understands that Mike and I love the Hawks too.
He provides the 4 awesome seats in the 200 level with a parking pass and Mike and I provide the ride in and his beer for the night.
Last year he got the tickets I got sick and stayed home. I swore that was not going to happen this year. Though I did spend the afternoon at Urgent Care getting exrays on my foot. Don't ask how it happened I ain't gonna tell. Way too embarrassing.
Nothing broke - just give me some Meds I got a hockey game to get to.

There is nothing like watching hockey Live!
The seats were $145 a ticket and Mike and I were so grateful, and gladly bought Charlie all the beer he wanted.
View from our seats
 I thought I would miss the old guys - but watching these young kids speeding down the ice. Man it's exciting to watch. I think it's going to be a good year.
2 happy Hawks fans.
Hawks WIN!!!!!!

Here is a suggestion to all the ladies out there - For you to spend a little less time prancing in line at the potties - how about leaving a little tail on the end of the toilet paper roll. There is nothing more frustrating than having to search for the end of the roll. Just Saying!

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