Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I am a fan of "The Biggest Loser". No, I would never or could never take that journey, but I have tried many diets - some worked and most didn't.
I am very disappointed this season.
Because of the way they are treating the twins from Chicago. Most people can't see it. Most people would not understand. Most people would say, Who cares?

Why do they consistently weigh them in at the same time?
Roberto weighs 30ish lbs. more that Luis. My guess he has been heavier their whole lives. His whole life he has been compared to Luis.
I'm pretty sure...if they are close like they say they are.
They love to compete with each other on challenges.
They support each other with eating and exercising.
They probably share a room.
But trust me Roberto does NOT want to stand, week after week, next to Luis at weight ins.
Roberto is once again looking at their weights and proud that they both are losing but still seeing Yup, still 30lbs heavier.
Trust me on this - I know.
I am the heavier twin.
I have always been the heavy twin.
And yes, twins compare themselves too.
It's something I have learned to live with and have talked with Sharen about, but really do not want to talk about with others. Some days I get depressed about it. Some days I give up. Most days it is what it is. It took my a long while but I have come to terms with it. That's my life. But the whole world doesn't have to know, like poor Roberto.

So, I am having a love/hate relationship with my new Fitbit I got for Christmas.
I started out resenting it telling me I am not moving enough or drinking enough water. I know all that you silly thing. Do I really need to be told it all damn day?
It's so light I don't really notice that I am even wearing it.
Well, It's been a month and after changing my goals to reachable ones, I am starting to meet them most days. (That means I am moving more)
Not sure how this thing actually works, but if I am pushing my grocery cart my steps are lower. So I push with one hand and swing the arm with the fitbit on it.

I love the sleep mode. I always knew I was a good sleeper, This fitbit tells me I am a great sleeper. So I got that going for me. :)

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