Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pay Attention?

I need to pay more attention...
Mike and I want to eliminate our land line and just use our cell phones. Big step for old people, I know.
The first thing we have to do is GET NEW PHONES. We realized on vacation that our phones suck. T-Mobile has a BOGO sale.
I really did not like the people at the Elgin T-Mobile store and did not want to go back there.
Mike suggested the S.Elgin store. Huh, there is a store in S. Elgin?
I had no idea there was a store in South Elgin. It's a tiny store front in a tiny strip mall along Randall Rd.
Me -"How did you know this place was here?"
Mike - "I saw it from Randall Rd."
Now when I drive down Randall Rd. I have me eyes on the road, or the crazy drivers around me. I seriously do not know what businesses there are in these tiny strip malls.
Maybe I should pay closer attention though, because on my second trip back to the phone store I spotted the "sushi cafe". I had no idea it was there, but I am going to try it out.

maybe not too much attention...
I am trying to gain some strength and have started a routine at the Fitness center lifting weights using machines. The trainer told me to start out slow and don't try to handle too much, too soon.
I go over there early afternoons, because I know that that's the slow time and the macho men, grunting and sweating, will be low in numbers or just over in the free weight section.
I look around and see women my age using the machines and getting through their workouts easily. (it looks that way to me, anyway). Doubt is creeping in, and I question whether I can do this. I tell myself to look away - don't pay attention to them.

 What's wrong with this picture?
I am walking out of the Meijer store following a young man with 2 six pack of beer and a bag full of chips.
I look down and in MY hand - my prescription for cholesterol medicine.

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