Monday, July 18, 2016

The Dome

Roger finished off his t-ball with a special game under the dome in Rosemont.
It is the home of the female professional softball team - The Bandits.
The older kids got to play on the outside field, but this was pretty intimidating for the younger ones. Two of Roger's teammates would not go out on the field

Roger getting ready for his grounder.

It's pretty sweet. They announced each kids name over the PA system. I hope you can hear it. He is a much better batter than this though.
 Luke discovered the air vents. Throw your hat up and it gets caught way up in the netting.
They only played one inning (they usually play 2) - There are 32 teams in his league. It was plenty enough time for the kids. Roger finally figured out that playing first base you don't have to run with everybody to each ball. The ball comes to you.
Playing first base.

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