Thursday, July 7, 2016

Naked and Afraid

I must confess I have watched this show when there was nothing on. I tell myself to shut the TV off if this is all you can find to watch. Ha.

 My goal this summer was to get walking. I want to try some different walking trails close by, Maybe just a short drive. I got online and found some worth trying out. Some I have walked already but I found a couple new ones.

So this morning I talked myself into checking one out - by myself.

Otter Creek Bend Wetlands

It's 4 minutes from our house and it's a gem. The parking lot was empty. I was going this alone.
It's just a 1 mile long loop and the first 1/4 mile is along HUGE houses. Then it goes into seclusion . All that's there are you and the birds, bugs, butterflies and bees.

Flowers full of butterflies

This one for the bees
The temperature on the car said 75 so I left my water bottle in the car. I needed my hands to carry my cell phone for pictures and Yes, I carried a stick to fight off the wild animals. The sun was not out - they were calling for rain.
1/2 way through I was thinking Not a very good idea. I could of used the water - it was so humid out there. I was walking through a wetland for crying out loud. Taking my sweat soaked clothes off and going naked crossed my mind (for a second).
 So many wooden walks over water.
beautiful bridges
I was all alone in a wetland - I could go naked. Then it hit me I am all alone in a wetland.
Here comes the afraid part. I had called Sharen to join me but she was busy, so she knew where I was in case I didn't come home.  I had my phone, and a big stick. I should be OK.

Foliage over my head on both sides

Turns out I didn't need to be afraid. All I heard was the birds a few chipmunks and the breeze rustling through the tall cat tails.  I left my head phones off too thinking I needed to listen for wild animals. I'm glad I left them at home. The subtle sound of nature was soothing.
This place is a definite "do over".

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