Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Monroe NY

It was time for our yearly visit to go see our good friend Steve. Who now lives in Monroe, NY not the big city. it's a small town about 50 minutes away.
He did take us into the city to another Broadway play. This year we saw the Lion King. I had no idea it was an animated play. Though that does make sense, since it's an animated movie. Duh...Really enjoyed it. It also gave me an opportunity to replace my I heart NY coffee mug - mine broke.

Steve has lived in Monroe about 3 1/2 years now and commutes everyday by train.
I understand his attachment to his home.
He clearly has put his heart, and a good portion of his pocket book, into this house and it shows.  It's a quiet place to come home to after a hectic day. His pets (3 cats, 3 dogs) have a yard to play in and his new addition this summer, His patio, is over the top welcoming.
He had a "come see my new patio" party while we were there, but it was 96 degrees out so Not to many people hung out there. I really enjoyed meeting his NY friends. Love his boss!
This place is like a home away from home. I'm sure if he lived closer He would see more of us.
 I do love our yearly visit and just hanging out with him.
Thanks Steve. Thanks for letting me invade your kitchen space, move your furniture around, leave my stuff out on the kitchen table, close the drapes (he likes them all open), hog the frig with my vege's, turn the volume down on the TV , and just laying back and doing nothing.
Thanks for having us.
Love YOU!

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