Friday, December 8, 2017

Christmas Quilt

I was never too keen on quilt kits. Gasp! someone else tell me what colors and pattern to use. Some of the kits I see I'm like, really! I'm pretty sure I  could do a better job of fabric selection. I'm jealous of the people who get to do this for a job. Dream Job!

One of the most enjoyable part of making a new quilt is finding the right pattern and then go searching for the perfect material. I love that part. I can understand how some quilters have a large stash of different material. Mine is limited by the space in my sewing room and closet.
I am pretty sure I could spend more on fabric "to be used later" if I had more storage space.

Well, I got my first kit from Bryan and Mary for my birthday. A Christmas Quilt. I wanted something to hang in my living room for Christmas. (I did stir him to the correct website. Ha)

It was perfect timing with my birthday in September - plenty of time to get it made, quilted, and hung for this season.

Mike and I hung it yesterday!

My Christmas Quilt!
I found the perfect quilting pattern with poinsettias in it. I only got maybe 20 inches down and my longarm sewing machine started making funny noises. I didn't want to damage anything so I stopped. I called the shop and they couldn't get it in till January.
I wasn't about to go without the quilt hanging this year so I hung it up not completely quilted.  You can't tell it's not complete and I will go back after my machine is fixed and finish it.

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