Monday, June 25, 2018

Dylan's Party

Who graduated from High School?
This Guy!!

Stacy went all out for her first born Graduation party.
She planned it all out just like a proud Mama. The weather was HOT so she had stuff to do outside and inside in the air conditioning.
I was very excited when she asked me to help with decorations.
She used all the graduation pictures that I had taken last fall and we put them in mason jars with silly grad hats on top. She put some in picture frames (that she let me decorate) for people to take home.
But the funniest I had when I was walking through Menards garden section and spotted a trellis. I thought about the song that Sharen and Jon danced to at his wedding. "As I watched you Grow" and came up with this idea. It's hard to see But that's what it says at the top, and Stacy put his pictures growing up.
Owen was amazed at how tall Dylan was.
It was a very nice time and I'm so proud of Dylan. I'm also very proud of Stacy and her endless commitment to her kids. 

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