Friday, November 30, 2018

I Made the List

I'm not talking about Santa's naughty or nice list. I'm not worried about that - I know you can find my name on the nice list.

No I'm talking about the Robo Calls list...
It started during the election. I could get 9 - 10 calls a day. They came from almost ever state and 3 foreign countries. It got to be a game with me. I would go back and block the phone number and get 5 more calls within 15 minutes. Then I started answering some of them. You know how you always have to say Hello twice. Well, I would just say it once and wait until they hung up on me.
The phone calls have slowed down.
Most of the time now I just let it ring.

The other list That got my name, or address in this case, is the catalog list.
In the last six weeks I have gotten over 100 catalogs in the mail. I kid you not.
Some from companies I haven't even heard of, but I'm enjoying them. I look through them all and get ideas for Christmas. Then I go online and usually get it cheaper someplace else.
Some are being repeated now and I still take the time to look thru them.

I got 9 today...
My poor post man!

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