Saturday, February 22, 2020

Splash Dance

I sing.
I walk around the house and sing. I catch myself in the grocery store singing along with the music. I'm out working in the yard I sing.
I like to play a game with myself where I hear a word and see how many song I can think of with that word in it. Dream, Stars, Alone, Road etc... You get the picture.
I especially like to sing in the shower. LOUD!
One year for our birthday Sharen gave me a "Splash Dance" radio/cd player for the shower. I want to say about 20 years ago. I still have it. At the old house it hung in the shower with Velcro.
It sits on top of our medicine cabinet at our house now.
Nothing about any of this is strange, except I haven't changed the batteries in 15 years since we moved here.
I use it most every time I take a shower too. I don't change the station or even move it from it's spot. It still plays songs to take a shower by.
I hope I didn't just jinx myself. I really enjoy this thing.

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