Saturday, May 2, 2020


Every Christmas we get together with Sharen and Dup.
We usually exchange small gifts. Just to let each other know "we appreciate you."  I have no problem thinking of a gift for Sharen, but some times Dup takes a little more imagination.
When I saw a guy on a TV show (don't remember which one) using scoops, I thought OMG Dup needs them.
He mows the lawn into a pile in the center of the yard, then picks it up and puts it into lawn bags. He needed scoops to make it easier. I thought!!
Cleaning out the leaves around the house this spring Sharen tried out the scoops. She loved them.
We have 11 trees in our yard and why don't we have scoops? I fixed that real quick when we started our spring cleaning of our flower beds.  I went over to the Ace Hardware store and bought some.

Into Garbage Can, Then into the Fire Pit

One Fell Scoop
Sharen was right - These things rock.
No a bad idea for a Christmas present.

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