Friday, June 5, 2020

50 Years Ago - June 5th, 1970

It was a HOT evening. It rained and stormed all day.
The rain stopped just in time for us to line up outside the High School in alphabetical order to march into the Gym to get our diplomas.

The gym was split half the seniors on one side, half on the other. Sharen and I lucked out. We got to walk in together and were the last two in on the left side, which meant we were the first ones out. It was so hot...

Most of us were headed on to college. Some were just happy to get thru High School. Me I already had a job lined up.
With a few days left of school and a couple days after I got suspended for skipping class I got called down to the principals office. I'm thinking they must of found out that I didn't actually leave school that day, but spent the day playing cards in the Sr. lounge. (That way I could tell Mom and Dad that I DID go to school.)
No, Mr. Alexander, the principle, offered me a job.
They were looking for a scheduler and I was recommended for it. I still to this day do not know who recommended me. I asked - no one would say.
Of course, I took it.
That was back in the day when everything was done by hand with IBM cards.
I spent 3 months pulling cards and building class schedules for kids that I went to school with.
Yes, I did think about putting kids I didn't like with crappy classes. I was 17!
I loved the job. I loved the work. I love the people I worked for and with. (Sharen was hired a couple weeks after me as the Guidance Office secretary)  didn't have any problem going from student to employee.

Our tassels

My grandson, Logan, graduated this year. I have no words of wisdom for him. I just told him to think about the choices he's given and make the choice that feels right for him at that time.

Wow... 50 years ago!!!

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