Tuesday, November 10, 2020

This is What I Need

 Our old 1980's computer desk has taken up way too much space in my sewing room. We don't use the desktop computer anymore and the desk was just holding office stuff that I condensed down into 1 file cabinet and 2 small storage office bins.

I decided after climbing around and digging into bins, and hauling the bins up and down from the basement I needed to SEE all this beautiful color material that I got from my neighbor.  It was time for my sewing room to look like one. 

With the desk gone I got to drawing out exactly what I thought it should look like. I gave the design to Mike and after a short conservation and some input from him, he was convinced he could build exactly what I needed/wanted.

I had no doubt he could do it. And he didn't disappoint. It's exactly what I drew for him.

I thought it needed to be painted. reason 1 - I wanted more color and 2 The material would slide better on a painted surface. I chose a navy blue that looked more royal. It only took 2 people to say "Cubbie Blue" and I ordered some contact paper and white paint to hide some of it.

Storage Galore

I got 7 bins emptied. Still have room for the office stuff (printer, file boxes, file cabinet and my to be filed away box) and my TV. It's perfect.

Everything I need 

There is no mistaken who's room this is and what I do here. I love being in my retirement room.

Don't feel to sorry for Mike he has his space in the basement.