Saturday, July 27, 2024

GK Golf Outing

 Mike, Logan, Dylan and I golfed in the Genoa Kingston Gold Outing. This was our 3 year. Genoa does not charge athletes to pay to play - all sports are free. 

So This is not only our way to support the football program that both boys played in and Mike and I spent many Friday nights cheering them on - we got to spend the day with the grandsons doing something we all love to do. Ply golf together.

With Logan and Dylan playing more golf getting so much better we scored our best score yet. 5 under. We started on a par 3 and got a boggie. Nobody was happy. I told them get us there and I will get us home. (in my bragging voice). They believed me and we started to start putting for eagles and birdies. After watching them tee off I knew there was no way I could beat their drives so I passed on the drives and concentrated on my chipping and putting. 

It was fun watching the young ones getting better and better with each downed cocktail. So many memories of our Thursdays with the Dupplers. 

Comparing which club to use

Let’s let Papa go first 

My golfing team

The weather was perfect and we had such great fun. I know there is gonna come a time when this ole body of mine is gonna say enough. But my heart will always be with these grandsons and the memories we are making out on the golf course.

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