Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Birthday Boys

 We had a birthday party at the house for Roger, who turned 13. Yes, he’s a teenager. Bryan who turned 47. Hard to believe that my baby is 47. 

Yard sign

It was a hot day out and I thought balloons wouldn’t last long and found this happy birthday yard sign so I bought it. Both birthday boys liked it.

Roger with papa and grandma

Bryan and Mom
Roger is getting so tall and reminds me so much of Bryan at that age. 
I got lazy with the cake - Didn’t bake one.  I thought it would be fun to put their picture on the cake, so I got one from Sam’s. According to my twin - Sams has the best cake. I don’t eat cake, but I did take a small piece of this one. It was good. 
One candle each

I took this picture at one of Owens basketball games. I love Roger in this photo so much it shows up when ever he calls me. 

We all had a good time. Some days just seem so short…..

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