Friday, March 4, 2011

Mystery Quilt Part 2

I got up early this morning. (Mike actually had to set the alarm).
He is headed off to Reno to bowl and I volunteered to drive them all into the airport.
We made two stops and picked up his teammates - Dave D. and Charlie.
Dave gets in the car and announces that the weather here is supposed to be rainy and cold this weekend and wants to know if I had plans. Of Course I do.

And I really do not care what the weather will be like because....

I got my second step in the "Mystery Quilt".
I will be measuring, cutting, cutting some more, measuring and cutting, and then doing some sewing.

I thought I had an idea what this quilt would look like after the 32 nine patch blocks we made last month, but then I read this months instructions.

SO SO excited. Triangles - I just love quilts that have triangles in them.

192 quarter-square triangles from fabric one (that's the light material)
64 half-square triangles from fabric one

Quarter-square triangle = take a 4 inch square piece of materail and cut it corner to corner both directions
Half-square triangle = take a 4 inch square piece of material and cut corner to corner once in half

64 squares from fabric 2 (the secondary accent material)

and 32 rectangles from fabric 3 (the focus fabric)

and then we have to sew these pieces together!

Thank God, she gave us clear and exact instructions. Sharen flinched a little at the list of instructions, but I assured her that she can handle it. We do have all month to complete it.

So, Dave, that is what I will be doing this weekend. I am going to cut and sew, and cut and sew, and I am pretty sure that I will not notice that Mike is away!