Sunday, May 15, 2011

Math Problem

I love Math.
It was my favorite subject in school. I preferred Geometry over Trig, but I loved both classes.

I do the KenKen in the SunTimes every morning.
I have KenKen books that I will do while watching TV.
Last weekend I offered Mary my book so she could see what I was doing and try her hand at KenKen. She politely turned me down. She confessed the only thing she like about Math was story problems and only because they told a story. Her, the lover of the written word!

Bryan wasn't joining in on my fun either. He was good in math and always got good grades but it wasn't something that he enjoyed enough to use in puzzles.

Mike will do the occasional Sudoko, but the KenKens he leaves for me.

Maybe that is why I enjoy quilting so much. There is math in measuring blocks and certainly in deciding how much fabric to buy. (There are books and instructions that tell you exactly how much to buy).

The last few quilt project I have done I redesigned the patterns.  So, I always take a measuring tape and calculator to the fabric store.

This Math problem happened in the garden section of the Menards down the street. As I was standing there staring at the bags of top soil I couldn't help but think of Mary and smile.

When Mike builds Karen a raised garden 8 ft X 5 ft - 6 inches high how many 40 lb bags of topsoil will she  need to fill the space?
I know lots - It didn't say how much cubic ft in each bag so  I bought 10 thinking I would see how far that would go and I would go back and get more. That didn't even put a dent in it so I added a bag of peat and all the contents of my compost pit.
I needed so much more dirt so we did what we have done before and go back in the lots behind us and steal it. They had such beautiful gardens back there with really rich dirt.
Mike made two trips on the tractor pulling the cart filled with garbage cans of soil and I now have a full raised garden. Problem solved.

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