Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Remember in school when your English teacher gave you a test and the first question said "Read the whole test before starting" and the last question told you to only answer the first 10 questions. I was that student who actually read it all and was one of the first students to turn the test back. I would  snicker at the idiots who didn't read the whole thing first and were doing the whole test.

I can read a map and follow directions, vary rarely getting lost.

When I have to put something together I always read the instructions as I go.

I am a great cook because I can follow a recipe.

So, when I started sewing on steps 3 of our mystery quilt I couldn't figure out how I was going to take the blocks from step 1 & 2 and put them with the blocks in step 3 to get them to look like the picture of the final quilt.

Well, I am NOT.

Turns out my (96) blocks from step 2 are different. Really nothing about quilting is wrong, it's just my quilt will not look like everybody else's. I'm sure Sharen will figure out which one is mine pretty quickly.

Give me a break: There are 803 separate pieces in a 50" x 64" wall quilt. 

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