Friday, March 22, 2013

Now & Forever

It's been awhile since Mike and I have gone to the theater.
We talk about it. I thought he would want to see The Phantom or the Opera. He loves the soundtrack.
Me, I was leaning toward The book of Mormon. (I still haven't ruled that one out yet.)

We decided on a matinee at the Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire.
Now & Forever The Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber.

First I noticed all the parking places. Thought - won't be too crowded.
Second I see the buses. Changed my mind!
The theater is in the round and holds 882. I checked, just like I check for the exits when I enter. There are just some things your parents teach you, You never forget.

Doors are open but there are hundreds of OLD people sitting about in the lobby.
We find our seats and wait and wait and wait.
Turns out all those old people sitting in the lobby need help getting into the theater. They either have walkers or wheelchairs. Oh Vay!

20 minutes past the time the show was to start dim go the lights.
After that I didn't care who was with us The show was amazing.
There was no sets, no props, pretty much no costumes, just fantastic singer and dancers in pretty clothes.

My favorites were "I believe in my Heart" from "The Woman in White" and "Love Changes Everything" from "Aspects of Love".
Mike's favorite was "Gethsemane" from 'Jesus Christ Superstar".

Mike has the Broadway station programed into his radio. After that show I am thinking of doing the same.

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