Friday, April 26, 2013


MY husband is a master at directions. He knows where we are and where we want to be all the time.
Seriously - I trust him and never think about it or worry about it.
He has never been lost. Not as far as I know or he will ever admit to.
He loves to study maps and at one glance he is always headed in the right direction.
He can go to a place just once and get you back there the next visit.

Example: At Andy and Michelle's wedding we were given direction from the ceremony back to the reception (hotel where we all were staying) in printed form. It said to turn left (OK - I don't remember which way it said but) Mike told Dup to turn right. "He knows a shortcut" Sharen and I are sitting in the back seat going WTF.
"Don;t worry I studied the map and this is SHORTER. That turned out that we did get back there quicker, but again WTF.

Anyway! We were taking a trip down to Myrtle Beach and he decides that he wants to buy a GPS. I talked him into borrowing Bill's to see if we (I really mean he) would like it.

What a nightmare! That stupid thing had us going is all the wrong directions. Mike said that maybe it was from a different planet.
Hence that is how she (all GPS)  got her name Janet. "Janet from another planet" - "All My Children" fans can relate.
In Janet's defense we had the damn thing programed to Bike Mode for our trip to MB that first time - How did we Know?

Ok - Mike did end up buying one and Janet was a huge help for us on this last vacation.
We still had maps for all the states we visited plus Ontario, but Janet was a huge help getting us around DC. She quickly got us right to my nephew's door (even with me driving) and I got to spend a few precious hours with my sister, Dee.

Who needed Janet when we had Ed showing us around HIS base. Foot Meade.

Janet still had a job ahead of her to get us from Fort Meade to Steve's house in NY.
She did a good job. Just let me say the traffic in NJ was the worse I have ever experience. 10 lanes of cars bumper to bumper. The trucks weren't even allowed on this highway. Insane! I hated every minute of it and was so glad that Mike was driving. We got there OK.

Next stop Niagara Falls!
Janet really had no problem getting us to Niagara Falls. I was pretty sure she wasn't even needed. Straight shot to beautiful scenery. Day!

And Night!

The next morning - My turn to drive and Mike plugs Janet into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.
We stopped at the check point going into Canada, where there are all kinds of police presence because of the Boston bombs, and I start to tell the guy all about our plans - visit to the Hall of Fame, taking in a Sox game yadda, yadda, yadda, - Mike whispers to me - "I think he just wants to know if it's business or pleasure" Opps! Pleasure! The guy was smiling and let us through.

We start getting close to the city (The Hall is downtown) and Janet keeps telling us delays are coming do you want to take a alternate route. The traffic was moving great, but I finally say yes! and she takes us to the airport.
Seriously - we both could not stop laughing. Are we supposed to take a plane downtown?

She finally got us there and we had a great time.
On the trip back to our hotel we happen upon a really bad accident. The kind you only see in a newscast or pictures in the paper and I loose it. There was people running around throwing tarps over the cars. It was BAD!
I want to go home. I do not want to get back into the car or go back into the traffic to go back downtown to see a Sox game I was DONE.
Mike got me calmed down, got me something to eat and I finally calmed down enough to realize that I probably would never get to see the Sox play in Toronto again so I got on Stubhub ordered some tickets and we had a great time at the Rogers Center. Brought home a winner this time!

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