Sunday, April 27, 2014

Knock, Knock

Who is it?

It's Mathew, Kendell and Kallie.
"Hey, Aunt Karen, wanna go to the creek with us and Grandma?"

Of course I do.
Mike and I took our grandkids down to the creek that runs by our house almost every time they came over. (weather permitting). This was Sharen's first trip with her grandkids and boy were they excited.

They were spending the night with Sharen and Dup and she promised them a walk by the creek if they are good.
Note to parents of grandkids "if they are good" is always a YES. Especially when they get so excited about something.
They took off running. This is a little trick I know to slow them down - make them stop for a picture - then you can catch up to them before they fall into the creek.
The creek was really low for this time of year so we all climbed down the bank to feel how cold the water was.
 Another little trick.
OK, Everybody sit with Grandma on this log for a picture. Which means Grandma and Aunt Karen get a rest period.
 I told the kids about the surprise pond on the back property that had pretty flowers to pick and they wanted to see it. So we took a hike to the pond.
They all picked flowers - Matthew and Kendell each gave me one, but Kallie only had flowers for Grandma.
 We head back to the creek to throw rock and make big splashes. 

 The girls were really tired after the hike, so Grandma promised Matthew a return visit, soon, (he could of stayed there a few more hours) and we head to my house for a rest period.

Kendell asked me to read her a book. Shocker - with Sharen in the room. Another shocker - Kallie wanted to sit on my lap too. One happy Aunt Karen right here.

Rest period over.
They put their coats back on for a walk back to Grandma's house. They had big plans to make cookies for Papa when he gets off of work.

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