Saturday, November 29, 2014

I've Got Plenty to be Thankful For

It all starts with family.

Mary left Owen with me and took  Roger and Luke over to the Turkey bowl to watch Daddy play. Another few years and they will have 2 more players.

These guys are still at it.
There's talk every year of someone not playing or getting too old, but they still layer up and have some fun. Mike is still layering up, but now is the timekeeper/ball spotter and he loves being a part of it all.

White team - looks like all my boys are on the same team. My 2 grandsons and my 2 Bryan/Brians.
 Black Team
I am so thankful that the kids still do this. Yes, you are all kids to me - even you boys in your 40's.

Sharen and I were going to try and get out early Friday for some shopping. I have no idea why, because I hate to shop. Oh Yeah - GRANDKIDS.
We really had only one store to visit. Meijer's. The parking lot was filling up fast, but they were all headed to the Menards next door. What did they have on sale that so many people were running to the store? At 6:30am. That was crazy!!!

So, I had all my flyer laid out.

I handed the Toys r us flyer to Roger. "Pick out something you want for Christmas" He then asked me "Where are the tools?" We need to get that boy to a Bears or Bulls game.
 Luke was just having a good time looking at everything, including the car advertising. He did slow down to look at the toys.
Aunt Stacy got to read Luke and Roger stories. I got out the books I read to Bryan and the older grandkids way back when..
 Kaylyn got to hold 6 weeks old Owen. She was hoping for a girl, big time. She has all boy cousins (5) and 2 older brothers. I can understand why, but she gave some love to him anyway. Owen wearing big boy clothes!
 Uncle Brian was also introduced to his new nephew.
 Kaylyn takes the camera for a few sniper shots. Mike carving the turkey and me making the gravy.
 Stopping the madness for a selfie!
Even though the preparation can be exhausting, It was a great day. The food was good. Everyone was on their best behavior and my family was all together.
Yes, I have plenty to be thankful for!

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