Saturday, January 17, 2015

Puzzle Fixer

My sister, Linda, saw my last post and said that her and sister Nonnie fix puzzles in January also. Both of them use the computer too, which I don't get. I love to feel the pieces in my hand and have to turn them over and touch them as I fix them. I like to walk up to the puzzle put a piece in and walk away, knowing that's it's always there to come back to.
It's no surprise they like the computer though, they also read books on their kindles.

I told her I had some really cool and not to difficult winter scene puzzles to share, so I took them over to them. She tells me about her exercise group and the women who share puzzles with each other.

I told her if she wants to get rid of some I would take them and then I can pass them along to Sharen, who also is fixing puzzles in January.

Turns out one of the woman is a Professional Puzzle Fixer. They send her puzzles in the mail and she gets paid to fix them and give feedback.

To me that would be like a 14 yr. old boy getting to play video games and rate them or a kid that gets to taste candy and rate it. She actually gets to, fix a puzzle, time herself how long it takes her, and then rates them?
AND she gets to keep the damn puzzles.

I want to do that.  Where do I sign up?

A few of the puzzles that she gave Linda for me.

I'm thinking on how I can get another card table set up and maybe take 2 puzzles and throw the pieces together. Mix them up some. Fix 2 at once.
 I can not wait to dive in! So Excited!

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