Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Family Game Night

I once told my nephew to grab every moment with his kids and spend as much time with them as he could, because life does go by so, so fast, and things change so quickly.

What kinda person would I be if I didn't follow my own advise?

So when Mike and I both got texts messages from Stacy to join her and the kids for family game night I told her Yes.

Mike wasn't feeling so good and wasn't up for it, but that shouldn't stop me - Right?
I got to spend the day with the Flory grandkids and thought what better way to cap off my day than to spend the night with the Kribs grandkids.

I grab a bucket of KFC chicken and head out to Genoa.
Here we are deciding on just what game to start with. Logan just got back from baseball practice so yes he does NOT have a shirt on for dinner.
We had to wait for Brian to show up so our first game (decided on by Kaylyn) was Apples to Apples. Grandma won!
We started game 2 (Name 5) with teams of Me and Logan against Stacy, Dylan and Kaylyn. Logan and Grandma were in the lead when Brian showed up. Game halted.
We partnered up for a cut throat game of personal preference. Mike and I found this game way back when and we played it whenever we went camping with our kids. Told you time flys! The kids all loved it, but it got so outdated.
For Christmas this year Mike and I updated it with 2014 version of people, food, activities and phrases and gave it to Stacy. Now it's a favorite again.

Team Brian and Kaylyn

Team Logan and Stacy

Team Grandma and Dylan
 It's Saturday night and Dylan had plans. He's 15 and wants to hang with his friends. He agreed to just one more game as long as he could be my partner. So sweet! We didn't win though, Stacy and Logan were victorious on that  game.

Dylan is gone and on to Kids vs Parents!
Yeah, the team of Brian, Stacy and Grandma won!
Kaylyn said "No offense Grandma, but you're old and you should know more than me"  That got me laughing - I couldn't disagree with her at all. But truth be told, Brian and Stacy were answering most of the questions.
Team Kids

My teammates
I had such a great time!
Yeah, I am so glad I took my own advise. I got to see all my grandkids that day and spend some quality time with them all. Lucky Me!

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