Monday, June 6, 2016

Out of the way

My time came to an end being a Helping Grandma and  Mother. Time to get out of the way.

Mary is back from San Francisco and all the Florys are back under one roof.
She started her new job working from home today.

Her new desk arrived while she was gone and Bryan was anxious to get it put together for her.
Of course the boys wanted to help.
They each got their own screw driver. A big persons screw driver too.

They weren't being much help to Bryan - they just wanted to rip open boxes. It takes a mess of boxes to put together a home office.

I could see that they were getting in Bryans way so I stirred them into the back room to rip up the bigger boxes into smaller pieces to go into the trash,.

Dummy me - There was Styrofoam in those boxes.
It started out innocent enough.....
Started out sharing
 Then I separated them and they each got their own huge sheet of Styrofoam to destroy.
Luke is under there poking up
 They had it everywhere. It stuck to everything. I had a great time watching them destroy it.
Not so good time cleaning it up.
HUGE mess.
While they headed up to bathes I tried to clean it the best I could.
I'm pretty sure Mary will find it in her coat pockets and her shoes.

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