Thursday, October 27, 2016

SO Grateful

So my sewing machine is slowing (literally) dying. I bought the thing on Overstock for $100. Totally got my moneys worth.

I told Mike for my birthday this year I wanted a new one.
I have been shopping at a new quilting shop in Geneva that I found that is a Baby Lock distributor. Yay... No more mean people in Bensenville.
My big long arm machine is a Baby Lock and you can not buy online from this company you have to go through a distributor. While I was in there ordering new tracks for my long arm I checked out their machines. I found one. I sat down, tried it out, checked out the price and thought Yup this will do. I grabbed a brochure and brought it home to Mike.

He wanted me to go with him to get it. Fine...
We enter the store and my eyes go to a new model. Sales lady said they just came in 2 days ago.
This baby is the Cadillac of sewing machines. I sit down at it and Mike can tell I wanted it. Really Bad...
He told me to get it.
I showed him the price and he said so what? He Said SO WHAT....I am worth it!
My new Baby Lock
I am now sewing on a new "Presto" Baby Lock sewing machine. This thing has it all, including a on/off switch for continuous stitching. No foot pedal.
I tell Mike how much I love it every time I sit down at it. Sometimes he;s around to hear me sometimes not, but I am going to say it every time I sit down to sew.
Just like I tell Mom how my big long arm makes me think of her and how happy I get every time I use it.
latest project
And just like I tell Sharen (she MAY be tired of my texts) Thank You every time I use my design wall she got me 4 years ago.
 And just like I thank Bryan and Mary for supplying me with new Pantographs.
This stuff makes me happy and grateful and sure makes my quilting life more easier and enjoyable.

My family reassures me that my quilts will be cherished and not sold at garage sales, so I will keep on quilting and enjoying my treasures.

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