Monday, March 27, 2017

Keeping Them Clean

I have had my quilts on display in the living room for awhile.
Hanging on this old laundry rack I found at an estate sale. I blogged about it.

I noticed that they were getting kinda dusty, so I decided I needed a cabinet to store them.
I wanted something old looking with a glass front so you could still see my lovely quilts.
I dragged Mike down to the Kane County Flea Market and I saw some that were way over priced and got some good ideas about what I wanted - and didn't want.

I went to Home Depot and Menards thinking about maybe a kitchen cabinet with a glass front. No they weren't deep enough.
Pinterest had some old dressers that were turned into storage and I'm thinking that's closer to what I was looking for.
When I was visiting with Bryan and Mary I walked into their bathroom in the basement and there I saw it. The old lady that lived there had left an OLD dresser. Bryan told me I could have it. Saves them from throwing it out. We hauled it home.

I didn't even have to paint it. Mike took the drawers out and took them apart and used the bottoms for the shelves.
I got some trim and some Plexiglas and Mike got to work and made me some doors. I few cents spent on some hinges and I have me a new display cabinet. Still need to find the perfect handles, but I'm sure I will.

installing the doors
 This old thing came with a glass top. What better way to display my Mom's old hankies. Yeah, every since I can remember my Mom would have a hankie in her purse. I can also remember as a kid the dreaded spit on the hankie and wipe the dirt off of our faces. No baby wipes back then.
Mom and Grandmas old hankies
I love this thing. It is exactly what I wanted. My quilts are protected, but you can still see them. I have a place to see a reminder of my Mom under the glass top.

I am not sure where I am going to put it. Right now it is in the middle of my living room, but that's ok. I love looking at it..

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