Monday, April 17, 2017

Catch Up

Now that April the giraffe had her damn baby, maybe I can get back to blogging instead of spending my computer time watching her.

I have a hard time telling things that I am not sure everybody cares about or if I should even mention. I enjoy posting pictures and talking about all the grandkids and telling happy stories.
This post is not about them.

Here is what is happening  not about the grand kids.
Mike and I both had sleep overs with the Doctors and Nurses at Sherman Hospital. Not at the same time.
Both of us checked out fine and we have moved on. Nothing to worry about.

Mike's brother Jack (that's him in the red) was in a very bad car accident. He lives in AZ..

It was touch and go for awhile, but the amazing Doctors in Phoenix put Humpty - Dumpty back together again. Only problem is, he will not be able to walk again. His car was totaled and his wheels are now attached to a chair. One good thing (if there is such a thing in something like this) is he is just paralyzed from the waist down and gets around pretty good in that thing.

He was hit from both sides in the middle of an intersection. He doesn't remember all that happened. He has a lawyer looking into everything. I'm thinking his memory lose is probably a good thing.

He had to give up his apartment and has since moved in with Mike's sister, Kathy (that's her in the picture too). She has a handicap accessible apartment, but it's way small. He is learning how to get along on wheels and hopes to be on his own soon. In the mean time he is hanging out with Kathy.

Jack has always been a loner. Always goes where the wind takes him.  I'm sure as soon as he has figured out this handicap thing he will be cruising down the streets of Mesa again.

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