Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Happy Easter

We had the family over for our Easter celebration.
The tulips I planted last year all all in bloom. I won't bore you with all the flower beds but they all look like this. Man do I love tulips. My Dad would love this too.
 Mike was in charge of hiding all the eggs for the hunt.
He even managed to hide a egg for the older grandkids - one each with their names on it. I think they only went looking because I told them Papa had put money in theirs.
There was one "golden" egg that Roger found. Mike had put some change in it.
Spreading out their bounty to show Mom and Dad.
"Now, How much can I eat?"
When ever the boys come over Luke and Roger want to play legos, but Owen is obsessed with this truck. He pushes it back and forth and back and forth around the house.
I happen to wander in the kitchen and got this picture.
He told me he was tired and this was his "rest Stop". That little boy is hilarious.
Owen's Rest Stop
My favorite part of the day was when the boys wanted to show Grandma Murphey "Grandma's Creek" and take her for a walk in our woods to find sticks. Apparently we have the best sticks ever.
And we had to stop and throw sticks in the pond.
I'm thinking  - Wow - they do have fun when they come over.
The creek was very high from the rain so they didn't get to go to close.

best stick ever

not too close
Mary's parent were in town and came over too. We had a perfect day for lounging on the back deck.

It's in there
Roger discovered one more hidden egg in Grandpa Murphey's pocket.

Another favorite thing that they like to do when they come over, and had to show the Murpheys, is our hill. They had to show them how they run up and down it.
Silly me - I had talked with the township about burying a pipe and filling in the ditch so Mike wouldn't have to mow it by hand. I can't quite get my big riding mower down it. Looks like that can't happen.
The Flory boys vetoed it.
One final picture on the hill before they head on home. With ice-ees of course.
Happy Day and Happy Easter

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