Thursday, July 27, 2017

Visiting Meemaw and Papa

I wonder if the little Grandkids are going to remember me.
I pretty sure the older ones, Dylan, Logan and Kaylyn won't forget me, but Roger, Luke and Owen are still little... So when they come to stay with us for a few days I want to do things they will remember. May need some pictures to jog the memory, so I take a bunch of those too.
On Roger and Luke's latest visit. It was a rainy day. I announced that we were headed to the library and both boy weren't too interested.
"But they have dinosaurs!"
"And fun things to do! Trust me, You will have fun"
Both boys had to wear one of Mike's hats
They had 16 different dinosaur exhibits and fun things all pertaining to the dinosaur. They had a table outdoors where you could dig for bones. Roger took a beeline for it and accidently went out a fire exit door. Yup, the sirens went off and he got scared. The lady came to turn it off and Roger apologized. It was too wet to dig anyway.
Lets take him home
I grabbed some books for bedtime reading. The boys played and Mike rocked in one of the rockers. Good Time had by all. Both agreed our Library is pretty awesome.

Now back home to the legos and puzzles.
Master lego Builder
One of Bryan's old transformer puzzles
Next day was an afternoon spent with Papa in his work area. Mike let them hammer and screw and build and paint with all his scrap wood.
Luke wants me to help him pick out wood
start of something tall
No idea what it is, but it had to be white
The boys were in heaven. Mike enjoyed it too.

On our last day Mike went into work so I took the boys out to visit. Ever since we went to the strawberry patch they wanted to see "Papa's Tractor"
I called ahead and asked Jon, The golf pro and my nephew, if I could borrow a golf cart to take them out to find Mike.
He told Roger and Luke that they could even drive.
" What? You can't tell them that!"
We found him on the 10th hole.
Both boys got to climb on his tractor.
Mike drove away and then I let both boys drive the golf cart. Luke had to sit on my lap, but Roger was all about standing and doing all the driving.
I hope it's something that they will remember.
That afternoon was a little dryer so Mike took the boys over to the park. I stayed home.
They came home with toys and candy.
"Oh yeah, we stopped at the store and got snacks for the movie tonight." The toy aisle was next to the candy aisle.

After our last full day together we settle in to watch "Finding Dory". Watching Luke and Roger cuddle up to Mike I realize we don't have to DO something every minute of every day they are with us. Some memories are just made by fixing a puzzle together, creating something out of Legos, or just hanging out watching a movie.

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