Saturday, May 12, 2018

Kaylyn is now a Teenager

Dinner celebration at Buffalo Wild Wings. 

Kaylyn has been in a hurry to grow up every since she's been three.
She has always thought that she should be included in things her older brothers did. 
She can push you into saying yes. Just ask her Father - who sometimes agrees with her. She wanted her belly button pierced. Her Mother put her foot down and said NO. You can get a piercing when you are 16. (but no belly button ever).
Last year Kory took her out and got the top of her ear pierced. That lasted about 1 week. She didn't like sleeping on it.
This year he lied and told them she was 14 and got her nose pierced. Lets just say Stacy was not happy.
This one lasted less than 48 hours. She had to take it out in gym class and couldn't get it back in. She was ok with that too. Kory not so much. Wasted more money. The guy needs to start being a Father and not a friend.

 Happy Birthday, Kaylyn.

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