Sunday, January 20, 2019

We Walking?

That is a text I either send or get every morning. Usually it's not a question of if, but when?
Sharen and I try and walk every day. We both prefer to start our day with a walk around the neighborhood, but if something else comes up, think Dr. appts or grandkids, we walk in the afternoons.
Our neighbors are impressed with our dedication.

Rain or Shine - Snow or Sleet - Heat or Humidity. We both love the change in the weather. ALL of it.
This winter has been pretty easy with getting out - no snow or cold weather... Until this weekend.
We got hit with 5 or 6 inches of snow yesterday. We waited for the snow plows to come thru and then took our walk. By then the sun had come out and it was a beautiful day.
This morning the temp said 4. Our coldest day yet. In fact I think it's never been below 20. When the temp hit 10 Sharen texted me and said she would be down to my house at 10am to walk. So we walked - and I have to admit in spite of the cold or because of the cold I loved it. 
This cartoon in todays paper sums it all up!!!!!

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