Monday, October 28, 2019

Grandparents Day

Mike and I visited Mary Seat of Wisdom for Grandparents Day.
The schedule this year was a little different from years pass. We started the day with classroom visits.  Luke's first grade classroom was our first stop.
mike helped him with a word search
He has the same teacher that Roger had in first grade. I counted 26 desks for students. A lot of kids in a small space. Luke tells us he is enjoying school - especially the reading.

Roger and Best Friend Mason
He did take time out from playing "Memory" with Mason to introduce us to him.
"This is my Grandma Millikan - She loves to fix puzzles and sew."
"This is my Papa Millikan and he play Legos with me."

Roger's third grade classroom had only 18 desks. His teacher is young and energetic - oh, and very pretty. He told us that Math is still his favorite subject.
Proud to be grandparents
We all then head to a special church service. My favorite part still is when  the whole student body fills the aisles and sings to us. My heart fills up!!

We then get to have a pizza and fresh salad lunch with Roger and Luke. This sure brought back memoires of my days cooking in the kitchen and chaos in the lunchroom.
In the Cafeteria

"I'm so glad you're here, Papa"
The students all got popsicles and our 4th Grandparents day is complete.
I love that the boys were so excited to see us and show us around their classrooms. I was proud to tell everyone there Students, Parents, Teachers and other Grandparents (ok, anyone who dared to look at me) that Roger and Luke are my Grandkids.
I love being a Grandma!!!

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