Tuesday, December 17, 2019


My neighbor across the street had a friend who was a serious quilter. When she passed away her husband wanted the fabric out of the house. She thought of me right away and hauled it all back to her house. There was no way I could take it all, but she did insist I take a huge portion of it.
sorting colors
It is a crazy amount of fabric. I will probably never get around to using all of it, but I'm going to respect the lady who had it all and take care of every bit of it.

Sharen grabbed the bin of felt thinking of doing crafts with her grand daughters.

I was excited when they asked me to join them.
We got out scissors, glue, sparkles and the bin of felt and sat down at Sharen's kitchen table to make some ornaments.

Master Crafters

 We had fun sorting the felt and picking out the best colors and cookie cutters to use. Kallie, Kendell and I traced and cut out some shapes and Sharen took them into her sewing area and sewed the two sides together.
Kendell adding some sparkle
At one point I didn't know where Kallie disappeared to and then I figured it out.
She had followed Grandma into the sewing room. Pretty sure she half wanted to sew some and the other half spend time with Grandma. That girl needs her won sewing machine - I'm just saying. Hey, maybe she can be our next quilter in the family and I can hand down the fabric to her. Pretty sure Carrie would have a problem with that, but time will tell.

I was manning the glue gun. Both girls wanted to try it. Kallie got through it smooth, but Kendell stuck her finger in the hot glue (more than once) and with her drama voice asked me to finish for her.
I can see some Carrie in her for sure.

TaDa the ornaments
Each girl made me a heart shaped one for my tree. They each made one of a bone for their dogs. Kallie made the Harper one and Kendell, one for Tank.

It was great fun hanging with my twin and her twins.
I have 2 ornaments on my tree to remember the day.

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