Monday, January 13, 2020

This is So Linda

I bought a really cool puzzle when we visited the Puzzle Warehouse. One from the "Ladies Series" that I thought looked interesting. I hurry and fixed it and then passed it along to Linda and  Deanna. I was pretty sure that they would love it.
They Did.
Only one problem - a piece was missing when they finished it.
Linda felt horrible - it was definitely a "do over" puzzle.
I assured her it was ok. Shit happens and we have a bunch more of others to fix. She still felt horrible about it and bought me a "Ladies Puzzle" for Christmas to replace it (which I will pass along when I finish it).
We decided not to talk about it anymore. It's over - case closed!!
But when I saw this cartoon in the paper I couldn't help but think of her and laugh HARD...
I even asked her if "Baby" their cat got to it.
This is SO Linda!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

saw the same cartoon. it looks exactly like me. Glad you got a good laugh.