Friday, August 28, 2020

Hello Again - Documenting Things

I keep trying to give this blog up.
Does anybody actually read me and do they care if I keep doing it?
The one thing I'm sure of it keeps mine (and Mike's)  memory accountable.
Somethings it seems like things happened yesterday and then some things so long ago we really can't remember if it happen at all. But if it happen since 2005, this is our go too place to remember.
So I'm gonna try and document our happenings. This is gonna be our family "Google".
Can't remember - Look it up on "turning The Pages"

With all that said I cannot let Mike's knee replacement surgery go without it's own post.
On June 9th he had his left knee replaced. The plan was to get it done in March, but that damn virus pushed it back.
He's been wanting this for a few years now. His knees were hurting him for awhile and it was time.

He trusted Dr. Mox with his previous knee and shoulder surgeries, so it  only made since for him to choose him to give him some relief with a new knee.

Mike was a rock star. I guess if you want something bad enough you look past the walker, the cane, bathtub stool, the therapy, the helplessness and the pain.

Front View

Side View
He had a awesome therapist come in during his first weeks at home.
Her name was Mia and she pushed him (which if you know Mike at all, he loved it).
Mia and Mike working together
He still has to go to PT twice a week, but hopes to finish real soon. His bending of the knee is spot on, but the extension needs some help.
So, just this week he got his torture brace. He's been using this thing 3 times a day. It has a crank on top that he turns to push his knee straight.
Crank It!!
The good news is he is back to work. He was so happy to be able to get on his tractor and worry about the long grass instead of his knee. He needed to go do something normal. I did notice a different Mike on work days.

He sees Dr. Mox for a final checkup next week AND to schedule his right knee. We are crossing our fingers for a October or November date.
He needs to get it done for golf next summer. He missed swinging a club and playing with his Thursday group of friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen Don't give up your Blog. I read it and have it booked mark on my computer. I tried in the past to leave comments, but it doesn't seem to work. Probably doing something wrong. Oh well, do enjoy everything though. Love ya, Mary