Saturday, August 14, 2021

Playdate with the Grandsons

I had set up a plydate with Mary for the boys to come out and spend the day with us. We go into the city and load the car with the 3 boys, and everything Mary could think of we might need. Just as I opened the garage door and pulled into the garage the power to the neighborhood went out. Breakfast was by flashlight and head lamps.
This has happen before and we usually had the power back in a couple hours. Not this time. The neighbor down the street had a tree fall on our power lines, gonna be awhile.
we took a scooter ride down the street to check it out.
They don't wait for no one

We found where it came down. 
One Whole Tree

As you can see the thunderstorm was way over, the sun was shining yet still the whole tree fell - right thru the fence and on top of the power line.

No power for us. I told the boys we were going to camp indoors. We had no air (temp was 87). We had no water and no potties. We are on a well that runs on a electric pump. You can only flush after #2. 
We planned when we were going to open the frig or freezer doors. 
Boys were on board with everything. We didn't miss the TV at all. They played with Mike's Legos. We fixed puzzles. they played baseball in the backyard. Luke and Owen ganged up on me playing UNO Attack. 
We visited Lord's Park where I filled them in on all kinds of memories from my childhood playing in that same park.

They chose Taco bell for dinner. Mike grill hot dogs and hamburgers for lunch. I can't remember the last time I went to TB and I love Tacos so I was all in.
Cooling Off in the Air Conditioning

10 flour tacos, 6 corn tacos and 2 refills of drinks, we head over to Target to get some water to fill the toilets for flushing. The house is starting to smell like a urinal - it's time the toilets got cleaned.

So happy Mary included the skateboards. Luke and Owen spent the next 2 hours flying down the driveway and into the road sitting on the boards, racing each other, doing somersaults when they hit the ditch across the street. Taking time out only for me to pour water over their heads to cool down. Roger is too big to sit on his skateboard and spent his time racing up and down Shady trying new tricks on his electric scooter.

We got thru the day having loads of fun, navigating the frig and freezer, the heat and the toilets. getting thru the day talking and laughing. I was kinda sad when Bryan and Mary showed up at 8 to take them home.
We have another day planned before school starts for them. We just may watch movies all day and eat ice cream and chips.

**The power came back at 3:10 the next afternoon.

1 comment:

sisterLinda said...

OMG! I would have been visiting someone with air!