Sunday, November 6, 2011

Erica's Shower

Sharen and the bridesmaids hosted a shower for the new bride on Saturday.
It was at the Schaumburg airport. The weather was perfect and you couldn't help but notice all the planes around.

The center pieces that Sharen made for the beach themed shower were good, but the cake stole the show.

Center pieces

A flip flops cake - one was vanilla and the other chocolate - aren't they adorable.

Erica entered.

Lunch was served and then presents were opened.
Jon decided that things weren't moving fast enough so he joins the party and opens a few gifts. In Erica's defense there were a load of presents and she was flying through those gifts. Jon acatully slowed her down a bit with his questions. He had to ask her what a ladle was.

If this shower is any indication of what the wedding in Mexico is going to be like I for one cannot wait.

Thanks for a great time ladies.
Erica and the Moms.

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