Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Carrie and Dave took Jon's Bulls tickets on Tuesday night so Sharen was called to baby sit and I tagged along to play with the kids. They all know who Grandma is - I tried to have Matthew call me "Aunt Grandma" but no I was Aunt Karen.

Matthew was very interested in my camera, so I showed him how to work it.
Our first attempt was me showing him what button to push and him pushing them all.

We decided (or I decided) that we needed more light, so I opened the flash. Yes, Kallie caught us with the camera and as you can see. Cheese!!! I swear that girl is going to be a movie star some day.

"Me do it, Aunt Karen!" so here is Matthew's self portrait.

Then came the baths. OMG those girls like their bath time - as soon as their clothes came off. Kicking! Shrieks! and Giggles!
Kendell had a hard time relaxing in the water, but she liked when Grandma put water on her head.
Kallie loved it all, but mostly having her picture taken.

Matthew was just happy that the girls were gone and he had the whole tub to himself.

The girls were nestled all snug in their beds and it was Grandma and Matthew time. Sharen got a book read to her by her favorite little boy.

It's only 7:30 and I'm exhausted - I'm outa here.

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