Friday, February 8, 2013


The weather is finally what it should be in the midwest in the winter.
Growing up we had WINTERS. You ran home from school, quickly did your homework, and then you grab your skates or sleds and ran to the park. If we were really lucky we got to go back after dinner for a night time skate. Granted the park was only a block from the house.
We didn't have snow suits. We would layer tights and pajamas under our jeans. Long stocking caps (picture the types in A Christmas Story) wool mittens that would collect the snow and at least 3 layers of socks under our rubber boots and skates.
We had a door on the side of our house that led directly into the basement. The only time I can ever remember using it was after playing in the snow. We went directly down to the basement with our wet clothes. We hung them on a clothes line to dry.
There were times when we would have a raw snow rash around our wrists where the snow weighed down our mitten enough to bare our skin to the elements. Sharen and I called them our snow bracelets. They would scab and bleed, but that didn't stop us. Mom cut off the tops of socks to pull over the sores and off we went.
I still love to shovel, because it reminds me of helping Dad. We lived on a huge corner lot and those sidewalks had to be clean!
Even when Bryan was little we had more snow.
We bundled up and headed on over to Grandma house. She lived across the street from a park with a hill. We drove to the forest preserve to tackle the bigger hills. We made snow forts out of the piles of snow at the end of our driveway. There was always a snowman in our backyard. I would put the doggies sweater on our Cheesecake and even he would join us in the snow activities.
Snow is FUN!!!!
That's what I tell the grand kids. I feel sad that our winters have become milder. That they don't get many chances to play in the white stuff. I hope they take advantage this weekend cause this is what it looks like here.


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