Friday, October 18, 2013

Word Snobs

I hate them!
Who are they you might ask - They are the ones who use big words just to inflate their egos.
Now granted I am not a writer or a word nerd. I shy away from Crosswords puzzles, but I can carry on a conversation without the other person feeling stupid.

I used to work with a Editor who wrote a weekly column. He was a big Word Snob. He always used words that I would have to look up to understand their meaning. He sometimes tried to talk to me and use them, but my eyes would glass over and he knew he had lost me.

This morning reading the Letters to the Editor in the paper I thought for sure Mike wrote this one letter.

"this president's feckless, vacuous foreign policy borne of his malignant, narcissism unquestionably compromises...."

"enemies stand dramatically emboldened and ominous.."

"your predictably clever talking points, disingenuous rhetoric reveals you abject shallowness and self-serving commitment to endless spoils of political longevity."

"American untainted by the elixir of Beltway celebrity."
And he goes on and on using word that only makes me wonder what this letter actually means, because I really had no idea.

Oft-demonized, ever-besmirched, demagoguery, supplanted,  eternal vigilance.....

Call me stupid, but Enough already - I know you are using English, but I don't understand you!

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