Monday, January 6, 2014

Remember When????

Back in 1967...
We had a terrible ice storm and lost power in the house. We huddled in the basement. Mom cooked on the old gas stove down there and we used it for heat. We played cards and board games and fixed puzzles. We put more clothes on to go TO bed.

Back in 1979...
The snow fell for days. Bryan was just barely 2. He climbed the huge snow drift onto the garage roof. I tired to get to him, but kept falling IN the drift. Guess I was to heavy. He eventually jumped down into my arms and we rolled down the drift.

Back in 1985...
When temperatures didn't get above 0 for 3 days.
I went on a snowmobile trip with the girls I worked with, to come home to a broken furnace and frozen pipes. I took Bryan over to his Father's house. The furnace guy came, but had to order a part. I spent the next few days alone, cold, with a space heater directed at the pipes under my sink in the kitchen.

Back in 2014...
When it snowed so much that Mike went out a few times to blow out the driveway.
 And the temperature was still -14 at 11:00am WITH the sun shining.
One things is for sure we won't forget this winter anytime soon - if ever!

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