Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wild Life

I am not about to write about my younger days so relax.

I want to show you our latest addition to our "Wildlife".

Here is a recap from previous posts.
Remember the raccoons who tried to get into our attic through the fan vents.
The skunk who died under our front deck. He has since been replaced by noisy chipmunks.
The snake who kept coming back and Mike finally had to cut the creepy, slimy thing's head off.
The deer who feel that my Hosta is their breakfast. I forgive them though and still love to see them walking through the yard.
There is a fox running through the neighborhood who thinks Sharen's neighbors peacock is his lunch.
The mice who live in our shed. They scatter when I open the doors to get the mower out, so they don't bother me. Mike did have to set some traps this winter in the garage. They just wanted the warmth. R.I.P.
The bats that come out at sundown and eat all the mosquitos. Love that!
The squirrels who eat my tulip bulbs and store their nuts inside Mike's grill.
And the beautiful birds that gather around my feeder and sing me awake each summer morning.

All things we have to deal with living where we do.

Never would I have thought that we would have this...
I caught this guys just wandering down the street. Huge, ugly snapping turtle.
 The next thing I knew he had made a left hand turn and ended up in my flower bed.

Go away - Do not nest in my flowers!
He must of heard me cause this morning he was gone. Whew!

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