Monday, November 16, 2015

Fall Decorations

After a visit to JoAnnes and Hobby Lobby I decided that decorating my house with fall foliage had to come from the forest preserve down the street.
The fall decorations were ridiculously expensive and the ones already made up ran up to $80. Ridiculous. I can do this for no cost, Just a little fun work.

Sharen and I took a walk around the trails collecting my stuff. Anything that looked good or interesting went in the pile. I don't use it - so what - I throw it away.
It was a beautiful fall day. We have been really lucky around here with the weather. November 14th and it's still in the 60's with clear blue skies.

Sharen collecting fussies
I decided to take the car down to get our treasures home. We would look mighty funny carrying all this stuff down the block. And I think this is illegal - taking weeds from a Forest Preserve.
Not Sure - Don't care!!
Back home I dug out my old crock pots, washed them up and got down to business.

Me at work
I made a big mess in the kitchen, but I am loving the results.
Yeah, poo poo to Joanne and Hobby Lobby! This was much more fun and the best part is I don't have to put it into storage for next year. I can throw it all away, because I have free weeds down the street.

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