Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving.
It's always been, our huge family, getting together and eating (and a few occasions drinking) and playing games - being together. Come on, what's not to love about that. Yeah, I love everything about all of it.

I was a little bummed this year. Bryan and Mary and kids were headed to St. Louis. The other grandkids are spending the day with their Father and his family.
Mike suggested we do what HIS Mother always did and have a celebration the Sunday before.
Ooookaaay, (said with sad face) But I really want to see everybody on Thanksgiving. That's the day you are supposed to get together, eat too much and watch football.

Well, we had our Thanksgiving last Sunday and you know what - We were all together - we ate too much - and we watched football on TV. It was a really, really GREAT day.

Luke and Papa fixed some new puzzles that I got for him, while Mary and I got stuff together in the kitchen. Roger was the only one missing. He was already in St. Louis. He went down with Grandma Murphey last week.

paw Patrol Puzzles
Papa really must love this little guy, because he hates fixing puzzles.

When I asked for muscles for help in the kitchen, both Dylan and Logan volunteered.
Lifting the Turkey out of the roaster
Notice Dylan's hair?
The football team all got their hair bleached blond for the playoffs. He just did the top - I like it.

As I put away the leftovers, Mike and Brian did my dishes. I missed my sisters right about then. We'd hang out in the kitchen and we used to play a game - who can find the perfect size tupperware (and lid) for the amount of leftover.

While Owen and Bryan stayed inside to watch the Bears...

Owen giving Daddy High 5

Mary and Kaylyn took Luke outside for his first time sledding. We have the perfect hill for a 2 yr old. He loved it! He told me he is asking Santa for a sled.
He also loved the icicles hanging around the house. Bryan had a fascination with icicles when he was little too. Mary held him up to knock them off the front of the house where she could reach them from the deck. Then Daddy was called upon to lift him up to get the ones along the back porch.

Look at the beautiful trees in my backyard. That first snow fall is always magical to me. It's now Wednesday and the snow is gone.
Tomorrow, I just might head on over to the Turkey Bowl and watch my nephews and grandsons play some flag football. It calls for rain, so it might be interesting. Mike and I are going to have homemade Turkey soup from the leftovers and maybe take in a movie (Mockingjay).

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Readers!

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